Vivian Chan Rendon
Director of First-Year Admission
Students I work with: First-year applicants from DE, FL, NC, PA, RI, WI, and parts of CA: Contra Costa County and San Joaquin County.
Schedule an appointment with Vivian
What is your favorite thing to do on campus?
我喜欢在我们美丽的校园里散步,在大自然中寻找宁静. 五颜六色的玫瑰盛开在田野的辉煌的绿色是真正迷人的,我试图欣赏每一个.
What is your favorite place to go to Stockton?
我最喜欢的地方之一是斯托克顿市中心的海滨. I enjoy the historical architecture, public art, music, dining, and sunsets on the waterfront promenade.
What is your favorite movie and why?
The Day After Tomorrow. 我觉得世界末日动作片很吸引人,因为我们无法预测未来的不确定性, 我很好奇看到人们面对这些挑战并克服它们.
B.A. 加州大学戴维斯分校经济学与心理学
Channon Rosencrans
Director of Transfer Admission
Students I work with: Transfer and Readmit Applicants
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What is your favorite thing to do on campus?
During the summer, I enjoy walking around the campus, 这些树创造了一种平静的效果,非常宁静. I also enjoy watching our Athletic teams compete.
What is your favorite place to go to in Stockton?
在斯托克顿我最喜欢去的地方之一是大蒜兄弟. 我真的很喜欢在外面的水上用餐,我总是可以指望他们做完美的三尖沙拉! 这是一个与朋友和家人聚会的好地方,同时享受现场音乐和三角洲水道的美丽景色.
What is your favorite movie?
我很难选择最喜欢的电影,因为我喜欢的电影类型太多了. Lately I’ve been interested in documentaries. 我最近看了一部很酷的电影,叫做《正规博彩十大网站》, 这种对她的描绘使她忠于自己的种族背景. 我也喜欢根据真实故事改编的电影,我最喜欢的电影之一是《正规博彩十大网站排名》. Great movie with great music! 然而,如果我没有提到我是漫威的粉丝,那就太疏忽了!
BA Communication; Public Relations and Event Planning, University of the Pacific
MS Organizational Leadership, National University
Danny Ramirez Martinez
Assistant Director of Admission
Students I work with: First-year applicants from: AL, NM, OK, and parts of CA:萨克拉门托、圣华金县、南湾、长滩、洛杉矶东部、南部和中南部.
Schedule an appointment with Danny
What is your favorite thing to do on campus?
I really enjoy going to the Baun Fitness Center. I am very passionate about health and fitness, 所以我尽量在上班前或下班后优先去健身房. It’s definitely a great way to destress.
What is your favorite place to go to in Stockton?
在斯托克顿我最喜欢去的地方可能是林肯中心. I enjoy the environment, food and shopping.
What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie would have to be End of Watch. It is a great heart-touching movie!
B.A. Communication, University of the Pacific
Raymond Weber
Senior Assistant Director of Admission
Students I work with: First-year applicants from KY, ME, NY, NJ, SC, VT, and part of CA:马林县、旧金山县、圣马特奥县、圣克拉拉县和阿拉米达县.
Schedule an appointment with Ray
What is your favorite thing to do on campus?
我喜欢在德罗萨大学中心吃午饭! 这里是饥肠辘辘的学生和教职员工的校园中心, 他们每天提供各种各样的新鲜食品选择. While there are several places to eat there, 河屋是我的最爱,因为它很高端, all-you-can-eat, and it even overlooks the Calaveras River. 我们每周都会在杜克大学外庆祝太平洋星期五,以展示我们的校风. Go Tigers!!
What is your favorite place to go to in Stockton?
Terra Coffee on North Yosemite Street! 这是一家很棒的小咖啡馆,位于小镇的历史地段,提供现磨咖啡, delectable bites to eat and cozy vibes. 我喜欢周末早上去Terra散步,在那里我可以坐下来,放松,享受咖啡.
What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie is Snowpiercer. This post-apocalyptic action film, based on a French graphic novel, 故事发生在一列穿越冰冻地球的火车上, carrying the last remnants of humanity, 在阻止全球变暖的气候工程尝试失败之后. 这部电影讲述了一名下层乘客为了更好的生活而反抗上层社会的故事. 这部电影的视觉、导演和表演都是一流的!
Melanie Pio
Assistant Director of Admission
Students I work with: First-year applicants from AK, CT, MN, MS, ND, NE, SD, UT, and parts of CA: Covina, Whittier, Pomona, Orange County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, and San Joaquin County.
Schedule an appointment With Melanie
What is your favorite thing to do on campus?
我最喜欢做的事情是参加太平洋地区的活动. 例如,Kilusan组织的年度活动被称为PCN,即菲律宾文化之夜. PCN是一个由学生主导的表演、文化舞蹈、歌唱等项目. 太平洋社区有各种各样的体育赛事,返校节等等. 这里总是有展示太平洋骄傲的有趣机会!
What is your favorite place to go to Stockton?
Lincoln Center has all my go-to spots. There are many places to eat, relax and shop. 无论是橙色健身理论,还是有趣的锻炼, or a grocery run at Trader Joe's, Lincoln Center has something for everyone! 这里有一些有趣的活动,比如“砖上的音乐”, the semiannual Sidewalk Sale, 甚至有趣的季节性背景,为所有朋友和家人提供完美的拍照机会.
What is your favorite movie and why?
《正规博彩十大网站排名》是一部必看的电影,绝对需要在你身边准备一盒纸巾! 我之所以能看到这部电影,是因为太平洋在2022年4月在珍妮特·利剧院举办了亚太裔传统电影节. 这部电影对我们的历史、成长和感恩都很重要. After watching this film, 我希望人们受到激励,对我们的社会有更多的了解,并为更美好的未来而努力改进. 如果你决定看或者已经看了,请告诉我你的想法!
B.S. 健康、运动和体育科学,正规博彩十大网站
Domenic Jimenez
Assistant Director of Admission
Students I work with:
First-year applicants from: IL, IN, LA, MI, OH, TN, and parts of CA远北加州、圣巴巴拉、文图拉、圣费尔南多谷和西洛杉矶.
Schedule an appointment with Domenic
What is your favorite thing to do on campus?
My favorite thing to do is take walks. My favorite times are near sunset, when golden hour brightens Burns Tower, and also at night to clear my head. 看到校园的华丽和它在一天中的任何时候所拥有的二元性是令人惊叹的,永远不会过时!
What is your favorite place to go to in Stockton?
My go-to spot is the taco truck Don Rafas! 它位于东矿工大道和北机场路. 我也有很多有趣的回忆,比如和兄弟会的兄弟们一起吃宵夜, 或者甚至把我的其他朋友介绍给一个很棒的当地景点.
What is your favorite movie and why?
我从小到大每天放学后和妈妈一起看电影,周末和家人一起看, so it is hard to choose! 缩小范围,我最喜欢的电影是《正规博彩十大网站》.“这部电影在浪漫/喜剧方面做得很好,同时也潜入了关于社会经济刻板印象的重要话题, racism within one's culture, and the struggles of balancing love and family.
B.M. Music Education, University of the Pacific
Matthias Lopez
Assistant Director of Admission
Students I work with: First-year applicants from CO, IA, ID, MA, MO, NH, TX, and parts of CA: Napa County, Solano County, Sonoma County, Yolo County, Stanislaus County, Merced County, Fresno County, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, San Diego, and Greater Imperial Valley.
Schedule an appointment with Matthias
What is your favorite thing to do on campus?
我期待着在斯帕诺斯中心举办的任何太平洋体育赛事. 观看田径比赛总是很有趣,支持我们的排球队或篮球队以及数百名太平洋校友和现任太平洋人是一项无与伦比的活动. In a moment, 老虎队一年级的球员有机会与整个球场的老虎队成员团结在一起.
Where is your favorite place to go to in Stockton?
Micke Grove地区公园的日本花园位于斯托克顿北部的郊区. 锦鲤池与tōrō-Japanese石灯笼相结合,营造出一种宁静的氛围,让我想起东亚文化给世界带来的丰富传统. Additionally, 位于公园内的县博物馆向最初定居在现在的斯托克顿土地上的美国原住民Yokut和Miwok致敬. 因此,在一天的旅行中庆祝多种文化既具有教育意义又鼓舞人心.
What is your favorite movie and why?
"Inception" is my favorite movie by default. At this point, 我必须忠实于这部电影作为我的首选,因为许多朋友和家人都知道这是我的一个事实. 然而,我会一直说《正规博彩十大网站排名》是有史以来最好的电影. Reason #9: Time…
Amanda Larus
Assistant Director, Transfer Admission
Students I work with: Undergraduate Transfer Applicants
Schedule an appointment with Amanda
Favorite thing to do on campus:
我在校园里最喜欢做的事就是在麦卡弗里中心闲逛. 我喜欢拜访身份中心的朋友和同事 & 包容、成功三人组和社区参与计划. 麦卡弗里中心有专门为第一代大学生设计的空间,也是我的家. 我也喜欢偶尔去The Grove买点零食或吃点东西.
Favorite thing to do in Stockton:
My favorite thing to do in Stockton 是通过我们的一些码头来探索加州三角洲的水道. In the hot summer months, 我经常出去划船,天气凉爽的时候,我喜欢和孩子们一起钓鱼.
What's your favorite movie:
I enjoy watching lots of movies. If I had to pick a few of my favorites, they would be Forrest Gump, Devil Wears Prada, Stepmom, Steel Magnolias, Till, and Black Judas. The list goes on and on.
Bachelor of Art- Sociology
Stephanie Azarcon
Senior Assistant Director of Admission
Students I work with:
First-year applicants from AZ, DC, KS, MD, MT, NV, OR, VA, WA, WV, WY.
Schedule an appointment with Stephanie
What is your favorite thing to do on campus?
我最喜欢的探索充满活力的校园的方式是散步,欣赏玫瑰, buildings and beautiful trees. 停下来闻闻玫瑰的花香总是一种呼吸新鲜空气的好方法.
What is your favorite place to go to in Stockton?
I enjoy meals at Angelina’s Spaghetti House. You can’t beat the ravioli dishes there. I love the cool old-school environment, as well.
What is your favorite movie and why?
Hitch. 凯文·詹姆斯和威尔·史密斯在这部电影里的搭档真是太棒了! 我喜欢看电影中初吻的场景和所有有趣的舞蹈场景.
B.S. Marketing, Johnson & Wales University
Keith Sanpei
Associate Director of Admission
Students I work with: First-year applicants from GA, HI, U.S. Territories, International, and part of CA: Central Valley South.
Schedule an appointment with Keith
What is your favorite thing to do on campus?
Watch the Tigers play a game! Not just the "big" sports either. Watching water polo or softball are great watches. Great atmosphere with not a bad seat in the house.
What is your favorite place to go to in Stockton?
我不经常去,但在鲍勃·霍普剧院看音乐会真是太棒了. 这是一个如此美丽的空间,却没有足够的人看到.
What is your favorite movie and why?
Blazing Saddles. 那部电影里有很多东西在今天永远不会通过审查. Mel Brooks didn't care though; he knew it was making the movie better and what did he get in the end? A classic. Everyone knows a line from that movie.
Sara De La O
Assistant Director of Admission
What is your favorite thing to do on campus?
我喜欢在威廉·诺克斯·霍尔特纪念图书馆四处走走! 我一直很喜欢浏览书籍,喜欢安静,喜欢图书馆的氛围. 沉浸在这样的环境中让我充满了快乐和宁静. 我可以在图书馆里呆上几个小时,却感觉不到时间的流逝!
What is your favorite place to go to Stockton?
My favorite place is Empresso Coffeehouse. 我从高中起就一直去那里,所以那里充满了怀旧之情. 这里是与朋友聚会、学习或喝杯咖啡的理想场所. 我个人最喜欢的是白巧克力摩卡和蔬菜奶酪帕尼尼!
What is your favorite movie and why?
我想说,目前是格蕾塔·葛韦格导演的《正规博彩十大网站》! 这部电影主要讲述了四姐妹在许多社会限制下如何实现自己的个人抱负和愿望. 我喜欢它关注角色的野心和期望之间的斗争. 就我个人而言,我真的很喜欢乔·马奇,因为她的信仰让我想起了我自己.
B.A. 加州大学洛杉矶分校政治学专业
Mae Ketchel
Transfer Admission Coordinator
Students I work with:
Undergraduate Transfer students
What is your favorite thing to do on campus?
没有什么能比一杯可口的星巴克饮料和带着我的狗在校园里愉快地散步更好的了! 我喜欢尽可能多地在这里散步,因为这里营造出了美丽的氛围,而且真的很宁静. 它创造了一个坐在草地上,在宜人的阳光下画画或野餐的绝佳地点.
What is your favorite place to go in Stockton?
我完全可以在我们当地的乔安或者奎尔特山谷迷失自我! 对我来说,没有什么比为我的下一个钩针项目购买纱线或为新被子或连衣裙平衡织物的颜色和图案更令人愉快的了!
What's your favorite movie?
而我对依偎着看《正规博彩十大网站排名》电影或《正规博彩十大网站排名》电影感到内疚, 对我来说,没有什么比Beetlejuice更好的了! 我一直对蒂姆·伯顿的电影情有独钟, 《正规博彩十大网站排名》中描绘的来生的乐趣是如此迷人!